Be a chalice of light in action


Looking for a way to lift the burdens of Planet Earth and heal yourself and your loved ones in the process?

This website is dedicated to all spiritual seekers who are looking for an inspiring and creative way to offer world service and help accelerate Planet Earth into a Golden Age of freedom, peace, and enlightenment.

We invite you to join with like-minded friends of Light to form a beautiful, dynamic Antahkarana* --- a spiritual network of Light -- that criss-crosses the entire planet and enfolds it in the comforting, healing Light of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother.

The Holy Orders

Orders open to everyone-- no matter what faith or spiritual path

Order of the Diamond Heart

The Order of the Diamond Heart is a cross-denominational prayer and service group that connects spiritual seekers heart-to-heart in common purpose and in world service.



This Order is dedicated to teaching children about a path of service health, science and abundance.


Order of Saint Joseph

Members of this Holy Order spiritually and/or financially support the publishing and dissemination of the teachings of the ascended masters given through the Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.


Order of the Golden Lily

Members of this Holy Order are those who have an inner calling to the path of the fourth ray of purity, discipline, and joy, and desire to qualify themselves as a candidate for the ascension.



This Holy Order is a fraternity composed of Ascended Masters and their embodied students dedicated to the enlightenment of all people of God through the flame of wisdom and illumination.n.


Order of the emerald cross

To establish a focus of healing for all who will come not only for the teachings, but to touch the hem of the garment of the Divine Mother and for the healing of this nation and every nation.


Order of the Good Samaritan

Membership in the Order of the Good Samaritan is a wonderful opportunity to join in service with others and give love and comfort to those who are suffering.


ORDER OF Sons and Daughters of India

This Holy Order are dedicated to reinforcing the vision of the destiny of India and America as twin-flame nations for the victory of the planet in the Golden Age.


ORDER OF Francis and Clare®

This order is dedicated to creating avenue of service for Communicants of Church Universal and Triumphant® who are dedicated to guarding the flame of purity, standing in defense of the Church.


global network

The Holy Orders network was launched in 2004 and consists of devoted spiritual seekers from around the world who are involved in creative ways to offer world service.

"This is ever the reason for having Orders and communities of the Holy Spirit and a headquarters of the Great White Brotherhood on planet earth—for mutual reinforcement. For the world reinforces its own and therefore the spiritual devotees must reinforce one another.”
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Designed to Connect you heart-to-heart with like-minded individuals


Each Holy Order provides a special chalice and an opportunity for you to personally be a part of this grand cosmic network of Light. As you join with others in focused prayer and meditation, you will witness how the ascended hosts of Light will use your heart center to help stabilize Mother Earth and raise her into a higher vibration.

As we choose to become one with this cross denominational web of Light, it will literally lift us from current states of anxiety, doubt, and world peril and unify us in the Universal Christ Consciousness. Filigree lines of Light will connect our hearts to hearts of the angels and ascended masters who reside in the heaven-world and to the heart of God in the Great Central Sun. What a wondrous alchemy!

We invite you to explore this website and become involved in one or more of these Orders. Anyone who feels a calling may join one of the Holy Orders. Orders open to everyone-- no matter what faith or spiritual path you may be on are: Order of the Holy Child and the Order of Saint Joseph.

If you are affiliated with The Summit Lighthouse®, and a member of the Keepers of the Flame® Fraternity you are welcome to

participate in the Orders mentioned above as well as the Order of the Emerald Cross, the Order of the Diamond Heart, the Order of the Golden Lily, the Order of the Sons and Daughters of Mother India, the Order of the Good Samaritan and the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe.

If you are a communicant of Church Universal and Triumphant®, you may choose to become a member of any of the Holy Orders above, including the Order of Francis and Clare®.

Please consider sharing your God-given gifts and talents with current members in shaping the focus of each Holy Order and strengthening their reach around the world. Let's embrace the inspiring vision of the ascended masters who sponsor these Holy Orders by creating a worldwide network of interactive communities of the Holy Spirit-as above, so below!

*Antahkarana is a Sanskrit term meaning: web of life; the net of light spanning Spirit and Matter connecting and sensitizing the whole of creation within itself and to the heart of God.

"We have seen, therefore, what good karma ordinary and extraordinary men and women have made by assisting those who are burdened, helpless and dying."

El Morya